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Love In Action

Martin Luther King Jr. Love
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“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” Martin Luther King Jr.

On this Martin Luther King Jr. Day let us not only celebrate his life and legacy but most importantly his IMPACT! His impact embodies love as an action word and pushes us to recommit ourselves to servicing our communities in the best ways we know how. We show up as love by the way we care for ourselves, our family and the communities in which we live and operate. His “I Have A Dream” speech has been a motivator for our community for decades and now it’s our responsibility to turn his dream into action! We can achieve this by continuing to press on for causes that will push our community forward and make the world a more equitable place for generations to come!


So #LoveTribe, let’s not reduce MLK to an annual quote or reference but let’s live out the dream, be a truth-teller, seek justice, advocate for the poor, and live a life committed to peace, LOVE and justice!

Be Love, Give Grace, Show Mercy! 


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